About us

TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTRE (Centrum Transferu Technologii, CTT)

Technology Transfer Centre is an organizational unit of the Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź. The Centre was established on the basis of §21 of the Statute of the Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź in relation to article 86 of the Act of July 27, 2005 Higher Education Law (Journal of Laws 2005, No. 164, section 1365 with subsequent amendments).


  • Higher Education Law
  • Statute of the Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź
  • Rector's Directive No. 37/2008 of November 6, 2008, Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź
  • Senate Resolution No. 47 of December 12, 2008, Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łodź

The Technology Transfer Centre is an answer to the need for cooperation between the sectors of education and economy. It is intended to be a bridge linking both worlds through supporting students' and Academy employees' initiatives in the field of initiating and promoting innovative enterprises.

The main tasks of the Technology Transfer Centre are:

  • commercialization of research results and research works,
  • intellectual property rights management (legal representation, patents, creation of a document regulating the intellectual property principles and the legal protection of intellectual goods in the Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź),
  • cooperation between business and education institutions,
  • coordination of commissioned research,
  • popularization of innovativeness related issues.

Our mission is to create conditions for active cooperation with business, non-profit organizations and public sector agencies, 'assuring coordination of tasks within the scope of innovative ideas in the scientific, business and public spheres on national and international scale through conducting education, training, project and consulting activities'.

We offer assistance in realization of commissioned works, commercialization of works created at the Academy and realization of shared research and development activities. We support the employees of the Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź with issues concerning the protection of intellectual property, patent protection and establishing business contacts.

We are a team of specialists representing all the Faculties of the Academy which ensures interdisciplinary approach to each of our commissions.

Thanks to the financial support of the National Centre for Research and Development within the framework of the Innovativeness Creator Programme - support for innovative academic entrepreneurship (regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education on the Innovativeness Creator Programme - support for innovative academic entrepreneurship of May 28, 2008) it was possible to establish the structure of the Technology Transfer Centre and to take action for
the realization of the Programme.

The aims of the Programme are:

  • to encourage academic staff to improve their skills in the fields of entrepreneurship, management of intellectual property and commercialization of results of research and development works,
  • to offer assistance in creating conditions for commercialization of results of research works at universities and in creating and developing organization units acting for the development of technology transfer,
  • to develop standards of communication between the research and business spheres.


  • Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of May 28, 2008;
  • Rector's Directive no 29 of July 6, 2012, Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź concerning the establishment of the Technology Transfer Centre Office at the Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź;

The project is realized on the basis of the decision No 485/2012 of April 24, 2012 concerning granting financial means and the agreement No 25/PMKI/W/51.11-11/2012 of July 11, 2012.

Project description:
Cooperation with industry can take various forms e.g. commissioned works, purchasing projects/solutions, consultation services provided for the business sector, commercialization of technologies and inventions created at the Academy. The Academy has been cooperating in many of these fields for years (especially the Faculty of Industrial Design and Interior Design and the Faculty of Textile and Fashion). However, the lack of systemic solutions, that is a unified system of commercialization and protection of intellectual property, is clearly visible.

To make cooperation with business partners more effective and efficient a unified system of commercialization will be developed, as well as a procedure for realizing commissioned works thanks to which the service activity of the Academy's units will gain an efficient legal-administrative service. The effect of regulating these issues will be an increased number of services performed for business and implemented projects created at the Academy.

Thanks to the larger number of implemented innovative solutions Łódź Voivodeship has a chance of becoming competitive to other voivodeships (at the moment it occupies the 9th place in the competitiveness ranking). Furthermore, the cooperation between education and business causes the acquired academic knowledge to become more practical. The aim of the project is also to increase the contribution of the representatives of the scientific spheres (currently 5,4%) to
the development of creative industries.

Realized actions:
Action 1. Development and implementation of systems of innovative technologies commercialization for the Academy
Action 2. Development and implementation of intellectual property management procedures
Action 3. Purchase of consultation and training services

Training: examples of training modules
Module 1 – Development of competences in the field of management, business activity, education/business cooperation
Module 2 – Development of creative thinking competencies
Module 3 – Development of soft skills

Action 4. Participation in exhibitions and trade fairs concerning cooperation between educational units and companies
Action 5. Information – promotion activities: conducting educational activities concerning commercialization of knowledge, technology transfer and entrepreneurship among students and didactic staff
Action 6. Purchase of equipment necessary for realization of the afore mentioned actions

Implementation period:
01.07.2012 – 30.06.2014

Granted amount:
Total value of the project: 274 00,00 PLN including 243 340,00 PLN granted by the National Centre for Research and Development

The following structure was established for the purpose of ensuring proper functioning of the Centre:

  • Manager of the Technology Transfer Centre (resolution of the Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź No 153 of July 6, 2012 concerning the appointment of the Acting Manager of the Technology Transfer Centre – Business Cooperation Manager)
  • 4 Business Cooperation Representatives acting for the Faculties of Textile and Fashion, Industrial Design and Interior Design, Graphics and Painting and Visual Arts
  • Legal representation of the Office

We invite all persons interested to get acquainted with our offer for Business Partners and for Employees!